Pia Wurtzbach The Miss Universe 2015 METRO February 2016 Cover

Pia Wurtzbach The Miss Universe 2015 METRO February 2016 Cover
The Miss Universe 2015 Pia Alonzo Wurtzbach gracing the cover of Metro Magazine February 2016 issue! She's looking mighty and Fabulous.

Unguarded, stripped down to her most natural beauty, ‪#‎PiaWurtzbach‬ is officially in the pages of @MetroMagPh on a special ‪#‎MetroLovesPia‬ gatefold cover. As the country celebrates her homecoming, METRO come fresh off the press with #‎MetroFebruary2016‬ issue that holds last week's interview with your 2015 ‪#‎MissUniverse‬ straight from New York City. Get a glimpse of how EIC ‪#‎SarahMeier‬ witnesses our beauty queen's life in the Big Apple, and find out why she truly deserves her title. Grab your copies now!

Model: Pia Wurtzbach
Photographs: Doc Marlon Pecjo
Styling: Mike Lavarez
Makeup: Gery Penaso
Hair: Ronnie Dungca

The Metro Magazine's February issue will be available nationwide in all newsstands.