Ghostbusters is an American supernatural comedy film and a reboot of the Ghostbusters franchise. Starring Melissa McCarthy as Abby Yates,Kristen Wiig as Erin Gilbert, Kate McKinnon as Jillian Holtzmann, Leslie Jones as Patty Tolan, Chris Hemsworth as Kevin,Neil Casey as Rowan, Andy García as the Mayor of New York City, Charles Dance, Michael K. Williams as Hawkins, Elizabeth Perkins, Cecily Strong, Matt Walsh as Rourke and Pat Kiernan as a News Anchor. It is directed by Paul Feig and written by Katie Dippold and Feig.
Ghostbusters scheduled to released on July 15, 2016 at United States in 3D and IMAX 3D with the production of Village Roadshow Pictures, Pascal Pictures, The Montecito Picture Company, Feigco Entertainment, LStar Capital and distributed by Columbia Pictures.
Ghostbusters scheduled to released on July 15, 2016 at United States in 3D and IMAX 3D with the production of Village Roadshow Pictures, Pascal Pictures, The Montecito Picture Company, Feigco Entertainment, LStar Capital and distributed by Columbia Pictures.